
Task Manager, Project Manager, and To Do apps were the most requested source code ideas last month. It's finally here, one of the best task & project manager apps. With a professional design and easy to use, this app has huge potential to be featured by Apple and other websites. Simple apps like MinimaList are making $30,000 a month, but our app has a lot more features like projects, custom project tile design, assigning tasks to a project, showing task start/end date, and more. The difference is obvious, Taskly is the next-level task & project manager app.


You will get the source code of the app that you see in the video demo. Nothing more or less than what the video demo shows. Feel free to ask questions before buying. The app is built using SwiftUI and supports iOS 14+. All the data is stored in the app using Core Data. In-App Purchases are provided via our PurchaseKit framework and support Consumable and Non-Consumable products. For Auto-Renewable subscriptions, please check our full PurchaseKit product.


You will need a Mac computer with Xcode 13 installed. This app requires iOS 14+. All app templates on this website are for iPhones, with no iPad support. AdMob account is required if you want to show ads in the app. You don't need Cocoa Pods anymore for AdMob Ads. We are using Apple's Swift Package Manager to fetch the latest AdMob Ads package.


- The app has 2 main sections: Projects on the top part of the screen, and Tasks at the bottom. Also, the nice side menu that you can enhance by adding more features to it. The app has full dark mode support as well.

- You can add a Task without having a project, or you can create a Project, then next time you add a Task, you could assign it to a project. This makes the app more flexible, allowing users with simple and random tasks to not worry about creating projects if they don't need one.

- When creating a Project, the app offers 3 project background images for free, and the rest of them (9 currently) are available via in-app purchases (one in-app purchase for the app).

- The list of tasks on the main dashboard, shows the Today's Tasks, which are all the tasks that have today's date as the START date for the task. To see all the Tasks for a given project, you simply tap on a Project tile in the section on the top. This will show you all tasks for a project, regardless of today's date.

- Once all tasks for a project are completed, the app will show a full-screen confetti overlay animation, and the Project tile will show a checkmark overlaying the progress bar.

- Side menu shows user avatars that they can upload from the Photos app, and we store them in the documents folder. All tasks and project data are stored in Core Data.

- You can see that by default the app offers 3 project backgrounds, and only 2 projects/tasks can be created. You can change how many items to offer for free in the AppConfig file. Unlimited features are available only via in-app purchases. In-App Purchases are handled via a private framework. This framework doesn't support subscriptions. You can use this framework for any other games/apps that you want to add in-app purchases. If you want auto-renewable subscriptions, please contact us or search for 'PurchaseKit by Apps4World' in order to get the full version of the PurchaseKit product. 


- There are so many ideas for this app that you can implement. Let's start with the dashboard header, where it says "Hello there", you can personalize this by giving the user a text field somewhere, so they can type their name, this way the app can show their name, for example, "Hello John".

- The calendar view is a feature with huge potential to attract even more users. Showing a list of tasks based on the start/end time in some sort of calendar/list view could be very helpful for users to visualize their day/month.

- Local notifications to remind users when a task has 1 hour remaining to complete. This is such a great idea because when the user has a busy schedule, it's easy to miss an important task, but a local notification reminder could be beneficial to them.

- Adding people to a project is a more complex feature, but it's definitely something very useful for companies where they assign projects/tasks to different people. This could help them visualize which person is responsible for what task. For this to work perfectly, you may have to integrate some backend systems like Firebase.

- These are just a few ideas, but you have so much potential with this app. And don't forget that with some extra effort, you could make this app available for iPad/macOS, giving you even more potential customers and ideas to work on, like iCloud integration to share data between devices, widgets for the home screen, and more.


If you need any assistance or customization work, don't hesitate to send us an email at support@apps4world.com 

As always, we wish you good luck with this product, and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, so you could be the first one to know when a new app template is released.

Price: $179
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Be More Productive with Taskly

The best app to track your Projects and daily Tasks. See your Progress and Stay Motivated.